Rooted in reverence & love

Sacred Beekeeping is an approach to beekeeping that views the honeybee as sacred and centers around a deep love and reverence for the honeybee. In this tradition we embody beekeeping practices that  honor the true nature and biology of the honeybee.

Ancient Civilizations and cultures around the world revered the honeybee deeply such as Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and Minoan cultures. In many of these cultures the honeybees and the medicine they provide was sacred and honored as so.  In many ways modern society has drifted away from the kinship we share with the natural world, and we have surely strayed from our relationship to these sacred beings.

Sacred beekeeping works toward returning to a kinship with these creatures. The honeybees with their sweetness and light have inspired artists, healers, poets, philosophers, and many more throughout time, creating a rich fabric of all that is inspired by them.  They reveal to us the deep interconnectedness of life, inspiring us to live symbiotically with all life. In this tradition the honeybees are our teachers and we open ourselves to listen to their sacred messages.